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Estradiol. Testing

13 сентября | | Посмотрели: 87
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The development of secondary sexual characteristics largely depends on it; it influences the formation of psychophysiological characteristics of behavior. This hormone also improves blood clotting, affects bone growth, and is involved in the regulation of kidney function. During pregnancy, its release is regulated by human chorionic gonadotropin.

Men have lower concentrations of estradiol, and it has less effect on the body. But the functioning of the testicles and prostate depends on this hormone; it plays an important role in metabolism.

The main function of anti estradiol is to regulate the functioning of the reproductive system. Until the age of 10, its content in the blood is minimal, but subsequently the level increases.

In what cases is an estradiol test prescribed?

The doctor writes a referral for analysis in the following cases:

- male and female infertility;
- obesity, fatty liver;
- osteoporosis;
- dysfunction of the ovaries, testicles, prostate gland;
- menstrual irregularities;
- miscarriage;
- menopause – analysis makes it possible to assess the condition of the body and make a decision on hormone replacement therapy;
- gynecomastia – an increase in the size of the mammary glands in men;
- poor spermogram results.

During hormonal therapy, such an analysis is mandatory; it makes it possible to monitor its effectiveness. Estradiol levels are also measured as part of routine ovarian diagnostics, including in preparation for the IVF procedure.
Preparing for analysis

The study is carried out on an empty stomach, so you need to stop eating 8-12 hours before visiting the doctor. You are allowed to drink still water.

If the patient adheres to the traditions of a vegetarian diet, it is necessary to discuss this with the doctor and change the diet a few days before the test: a large amount of carbohydrates and low fat content in dishes lead to low levels of estradiol, and the results of the study may be distorted.

It is necessary to avoid stress and limit physical activity.

For women, the optimal time to get tested is days 2-4 of the cycle. But the doctor can give other recommendations taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

Decoding the results

Decryption is performed by an experienced specialist. The results are given to the patient and must be transferred to the attending physician. He will make a diagnosis or prescribe additional examination, since an increase or decrease in the level of this hormone in itself usually does not make it possible to unambiguously determine the disease. Additional examinations that may be needed are ultrasound of the pelvic organs, examination of the thyroid gland, blood tests for globulin and various hormones.

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